Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Jonathan Creek: 'The White Lady' by Steve Jordan

So, I've written a Jonathan Creek spec script. What started as a bit of fun has turned out as a writing sample. You can read and download the entire script as a pdf HERE.

For fans of David Renwick's mystery series, it serves as a kind of alternative 2013 Easter special. Anyway, whether you're a fan of Creek or not, I hope you enjoy it!

THE WHITE LADY by Steve Jordan
Famous psychic medium Margaret Hart has predicted her own death, claiming she will die at the hands of the 'White Lady', the ghostly figure who speaks to her from beyond the grave. Margaret's son Paul invites his girlfriend Joey Ross and her friend Jonathan Creek to the family home on the night his mother claims she is to die. Margaret's prediction comes true - she dies in a locked room, facing the portrait of the Lady. But is her ghost story a cover for a baffling suicide or a brutal murder? Jonathan and Joey embark on a quest to find out.

My spec Jonathan Creek script was entirely a writing exercise of my own devising and is not affiliated with the BBC TV serials. The characters and format belong to David Renwick, though I had a lot of fun experimenting with them!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Pilgrim Shadow clips!

Some clips from my last play, PILGRIM SHADOW, during its run in the West End. Enjoy!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Dead Static - The Audio Play

The Dead Static audio play, based on the 2012 theatre production, is now available to download via the widget below, absolutely free! Enjoy.

Saturday, 3 August 2013


Reviews from PILGRIM SHADOW's week long run at the Tristan Bates Theatre, opening the Camden Fringe Festival 2013 at the theatre.

★★★★ - '... braver and bolder than the first... a distillation of what made the first very good indeed... Jordan carries on this seething, bubbling resentment and pathetic longing masterfully... (the cast) once again carry the comedy and characterisation off flawlessly... It's a classic contrast and one that the pair, all bluster and wide eyes respectively, work beautifully. As ever, if on TV ... their pairing I suspect would be seen as one of the greats.' - Views from the Gods. Full review here.
★★★★ - 'A hilarious, unusual Sci-Fi excursion. With Pilgrim Shadow, ManMoth Production brings some exciting and hilarious science fiction to the theatre... set in a space ship sometime in the distant future brilliantly presents this genre on stage... the snappy interactions between Chapman and Joselyn bring a great atmosphere to the play... a parody of a futuristic sci-fi blockbuster crammed into a 60 minute stage play and somehow this is achieved with rather a lot of brilliance!' - Remote Goat. Full review here.
'Cliff Chapman as Tyler and Adam Joselyn as Gary really embrace their roles – Tyler is all exaggerated patience and tragicomic dignity like Harold Steptoe... Gary bounces up and down with excitement like an ADHD rabbit... Here’s hoping there are more episodes coming our way ... these mini-sitcoms could be as good as anything on BBC3!' - Camden Fringe Voyeur.
'Science fiction comedies on the stage are a rarity, but Steve Jordan has written two of them - madcap B-movie low budget two-handers - and his new show Pilgrim Shadow is slicker and funnier than the last one.' - Andrew Cartmel, novelist and former Doctor Who script editor.
'Had an excellent time... The acting was again top notch making the unlikely characters fully believable. The story worked well in convincing the audience they were watching a legendary rust bucket spaceship... It is a mark of a good play when it is only when it finishes you realise your chair has been pretty uncomfortable!' - Graeme Hurry, editor of KZINE and formerly Kimota.
'Pilgrim Shadow ... is ace. Fanboy humour and Bennett pathos as two outlaws try to get mitts on space booty.' - Dan Green, author of the bestselling Basher Science series.
'Like Black Books meets Bottom… laugh-out-loud funny... some strikingly clever moments.' - Annexe Magazine.
'Steve Jordan's new play combines elements of two of the best sitcoms of the last century – Blackadder and Red Dwarf... funny and has a good storyline... laughs throughout ... good fun, entertaining, has some suspense, and will make it impossible for anyone who sees it to describe Brokeback Mountain in a game of charades in any way other than how they do it here. ' - One Stop Arts.
'... brings together warp speed and witty one-liners in ways that are, well, out of this world... a little bit silly and a little bit ridiculous, but it is supposed to be. The far fetched plot and futuristic feel are elements that risk over-complication or a confusing plot, but this isn’t the case for Pilgrim Shadow which brings itself constantly back down to earth with a few laughs and a lot of fun along the way.' - A Younger Theatre.
'Director and playwright Steve Jordan explores... age-old hurdles with a fresh levity, using the distant future to humorously commandeer clever quips of a current and contemporary calibre... The acting was to a high standard with a high degree of character development... The child within you will enjoy this as much as the adult.' - Performance Reviewed.

Monday, 22 July 2013

1 Week to go until Pilgrim Shadow!

'Just one week to go until PILGRIM SHADOW is GO! Rehearsals have been going great, the ship is ready to launch and the funnies are ready for firing in your face. We plan to kick off the Camden Fringe Festival with a BANG.' - ManMoth Website.

Meanwhile, The New Current interviewed me to discuss the Camden Fringe Festival and Pilgrim Shadow.

'Have you always been interested in the theatre, when did you realize that this was something you wanted to do?

I have always been interested in theatre, but I'm more into television, mostly sitcoms. The great thing about old school sitcoms is that they're often presented and directed like theatre productions. So, creating a piece of comedy writing for the stage is a bit like creating your own sitcom pilot, with the added bonus that people are enjoying a live experience, which is a lot more engaging. Best of both worlds really.'

To read the entire interview, click HERE.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Pilgrim Shadow tickets on sale now!

'Tickets for Pilgrim Shadow are officially on sale now! The sf comedy runs at the Tristan Bates Theatre, 29th July - 3rd August 2013, 7.30pm. Less than two months away, fact fans.

Tickets are £10 each (£9 concessions) and can be purchased on the Tristan Bates website, just click HERE. You can find the entire Camden Fringe line-up on their website.

Looking forward to seeing you all. Get ready for an adventure across space not time, pillaging lost treasure in the stars, and quite a lot of references to 21st century cult TV, which is odd considering the play is set in the far future... Anyway, please come everyone, it will be real good.' - ManMoth Productions website.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Pilgrim Shadow

'ManMoth Productions is delighted to announce that our next theatre production will be PILGRIM SHADOW, a science fiction comedy from Steve Jordan, writer of DEAD STATIC. The show will run at the Tristan Bates Theatre for six evening performances, from Monday 29th July to Saturday 3rd August 2013 at 7.30pm.' - ManMoth Productions website.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Pulp Static

Courtesy of the Pulp-O-Mizer, a vision of Dead Static if it was a science fiction novella from the 60s. Awesome.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Dead Static audio play announcement.

'ManMoth's thrilled to announce that Steve Jordan's science fiction comedy, DEAD STATIC, will soon take the form of an audio play, available to download on the interweb and listen to at your leisure. The hour long audio comedy will once again star Cliff Chapman and Adam Joselyn as Tyler and Gary respectively, the pair of strangers who find themselves in deep space with an hour to live. The play ran last year to great reviews and sell out audiences. The audioplay will be recorded in the next couple of months and is expected to be released this summer. - ManMoth Productions website.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Short Story sold to KZINE.

'Kzine has accepted a story by Stephen Jordan called HEAT, which is being targeted at issue 8'.

This will be my second short story published in KZINE, and I'm thrilled to once again be part of such a brilliant genre mag. To find out more about KZINE, visit their website.

My science fiction horror short story, SHEEP, was published in KZINE issue 4 and is still available on Amazon.