Thursday, 19 March 2015

Global Mega Incorporated

I'm currently in rehearsals for this, both as director and performer. I'm also one of the co-writers. Basically, I'm quite heavily involved.

'Bad Bat Productions presents ‘Global Mega Incorporated’ - a new comedy sketch show about the tribulations of a wayward corporation on the brink of destruction.

Led by the bombastic and slightly mental Jeremiah Baptiste, the eponymous company does a bit of everything, from investigating people’s past lives to launching missions into outer space. Consider the show a grand tour of the world’s most ludicrous enterprise. Is the company destined for success? Doomed to failure? IT MATTERS.

So, what should you expect? Think the traditions of Monty PythonFry & Laurie and The League of Gentlemen, mixed in a lunch box with some bats and the worst job you’ve ever had – but mostly just the lunch box. From the team that brought you comedy plays The Probleming(★★★★ - Views from the Gods) and Pilgrim Shadow(★★★★ - Remote Goat).

The show will run at the Etcetera Theatre in Camden, London for three evening performances - Thursday 16th, Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April 2015. 7.30pm. Tickets are £9 (£8 concessions) and available at BOOK NOW (or later, just eventually).

Starring Cliff Chapman, Emma Stirling, Adam Joselyn, Ellen Gallagher & Steve Jordan. Written by Steve Jordan, Ellen Gallagher, Adam Joselyn & Graeme Hurry.' - from